Would you like to receive a quotation?
You can also call us directly. We can then directly discuss your request in detail!
+31 348 702 620
9.4 / 10 (112 reviews)

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What happens with my request for a quotation?
  1. You will receive an initial response, or any additional questions we may have, within 24 hours in order to process your request.
  2. We will request the availability of your desired location, as well as the cost of any flights and/or ferry crossings.
  3. We will include all of this in a tailor-made quotation and send it to you by e-mail.
  4. You can then view the quotation online and share the pdf version with your fishing friends.
  5. If you want to approve the quotation, you can click on the green "Accept quote" button at the bottom of the online - version.
  6. Then the booking form will automatically appear which you have to fill in completely.
  7. After we received all information, we will start finalizing your booking.
  8. After all is arranged you will receive the first invoice for the deposit of 100 % of any direct costs for flights and/or ferry crossings plus 25% of the rest amount.
  9. Eight weeks before departure you will receive the final invoice for the rest amount.
  10. After we received full payment for your fishingtrips you will receive your all your travel documents digitally in your private online account.